Design phases for prefabricated building

A good design is the key factor for building project, as it might affect time/cost/appearance/performances of your dream house.

Working with an experienced architect would be a happy journey for prefabricated building project.

Most architects use a typical design process to complete the design services for your new house project.

By knowing just the basics before talking with your architect, the process will seem a lot less daunting.


Concept Design:

Concept design is the first phase. In this step, an architect talks with the client to determine the project requirements and goals.

The architect usually starts with rough study drawings that illustrate the basic concepts of the design.

This most often includes spatial relationships as well as basic scale and forms the owner might desire.

Also, initial research of jurisdictional regulations is completed at this time.

Initial cost estimations are also investigated based on total project size and complicity.

Concept Design often produces rough drawings of a site plan, floor plans, elevations and often illustrative sketches or computer renderings.

Talk to your general consultant before coming to the next phase, as definitely you would like to maximize the advantages of prefabricated building.

Developed Design:

Developed design collects the results from the concept design phase and takes them one step further.

This phase involves finalizing the design and specifying such items as materials, window and door locations and general structural details.

Developed design usually yields a more detailed site plan as well as floor plans, elevations and section drawings with full dimensions.

Usually more consultants would be involved before this phase ended, such as passive designer, engineers, and also your general consultant.(Consultants for prefabricated building)

Detailing Design(Construction Documents):

Once the architect and client are comfortable with the drawings produced from the developed design phase, they can move on to the Detailing Design(construction documents) phase.

The Detailing Design phase produces drawings with much more detail which are used for the construction of your project.

These drawings typically include specifications for construction details and materials.

Once completed, the architects send them to contractors for pricing or bidding as well as to the building department for required permit approvals.
Detailing Design often include a complete set of architectural drawings (site plan, floor plans, sections, details, etc.) that are combined with structural drawings (and possibly mechanical and
electrical drawings) that have enough detail for the contractor to build your project.

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  1. Pingback: Apply passive design to prefabricated building

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